Saturday, April 26, 2014

Blog #9

  Leanna and I so far in our 9th week of doing our 20% project is that we have really not been doing anything and kinda have at the same time.  Leanna and I have been researching our new 20% project of animal abuse and we have read some pretty interesting stories about animals that survive animal abuse. We also saw really disturbing videos of dogs getting hit by their owners and it was sick how a person could do that to a dog. We learn how some dogs get dramatized and get aggressive when anyone tries to touch them. It's crazy how much dogs can be effected by it. Then we thought of names to name our website. We really couldn't decided on one. One name we thought of was "stop animal abuse". Another one is "save our animals". The last one we thought of is called " animals don't deserve it". Those are the names we came up with so far. Leanna and I talked about how we should get our website known by posting things on Facebook and Instagram for people could know about our website. We are going to create our website this weekend. We also found a animal shelter in Anaheim and we are debating if we should go this Sunday or Monday. This is what we have done so far in our 20% project for our 2nd week in our 2nd semester. We will also be taking pictures of the animals when we visit the shelter to show the animals. Some of the pictures might be disturbing. We are just trying to give a voice for the animals in need. We have been working hard and have been doing many thing to our project.   

Saturday, April 19, 2014


  Leanna and I haven't been really doing our 20 percent project. We haven't had the time but we still know what we're doing and what we have done so far in our 20 percent project for week 8 is we have recently have just advertise our website on Facebook and Instagram and have made our website. We have been researching stories and we are deciding which stories to put on our website. We recently had just experienced something that had to do with an animal. Leanna and I before first period were at the park and we saw this dog and we called it and came to us and we looked at its collar. It was a male dog and it's name was Rudy. It had a number on the collar and we called it. A women answered and we told her that we had her dog and she was in shock and didn't notice that her dog was gone. She happen to live across the street from the park so it wasn't that bad. She came 10 minutes after we called her and she was happy that we had her dog and said "thank you so much" . It felt good saving that dog that could have been killed or been tooken by someone bad. Leanna and I decided to put this story as our first one on our website. We still need I edit our website and we are going to make it better. This is what Leanna and I what have done so far in our 20 % project on animal abuse and rescue.